
NOTE:The DPW & Water Department remain at Town Hall 577 Bay Rd 2nd Floor

Water bill payments must be paid at the Treasurer’s Office located at 650 Asbury Street

Mission Statement

The staff of the Public Works Department fully supports the Town of Hamilton: “We work together to build a community of the highest quality for present and future generations”. We do our part by providing superior public services: by maintaining and improving the condition of our streets, by maintaining and operating all Town controlled traffic signs, and pavement markings, by providing a safe and reliable public water source and by effectively planning and implementing delivery of capital projects.


The Department of Public Works is a multifaceted facility that oversees the Town’s Water Department, Highway Division, Building Maintenance, Waste Disposal, Parks and Grounds, and Cemetery Department.

The DPW remains at 577 Bay Road 2nd Floor

The DPW’s administrative offices are open
Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday  8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and 4:30 – 6:30 pm by scheduled appointment only
Friday      8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
 Please note: The Administrative Offices are closed nights, weekends, and holidays.


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Name Contact
Timothy Olson Director of Public Works 978-626-5227
Peter Cobb Assistant Director of Public Works 978-626-5227
Gail Hannable Administrative Assistant - Water Department 978-626-5226
Dolores Sheehan Administrative Assistant - DPW 978-626-5227