
Open Burning Permits Available Starting January 15

Starting January 15, Hamilton residents can apply for an Open Burning Permit from the Hamilton Fire Department for outdoor burning activities, such as managing debris, yard clean-ups, and other controlled burns, as long as all Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) policies are followed, and burning is at least 75 feet from all dwellings. To apply … Continued

Nomination Papers Now Available for Town and School Positions

  Nomination papers for town positions and for the School Committee are now available in the Town Clerk’s office at the Patton Homestead, 650 Asbury St. Open positions include two seats on the Select Board, three seats on the Planning Board, three seats on the School Committee, one Hamilton seat on the Hamilton-Wenham Library Trustees, … Continued

Town of Hamilton Recyling Program Awarded $6,600 Grant from MassDEP

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection has awarded the Town of Hamilton Recyling Program funds under the Sustainable Materials Recovery Program. The Town of Hamilton will receive $6,600 to maximize recycling, composting and waste reduction programs. The program recognizes Hamilton as a community that has implemented policies and programs proven to maximize materials reuse and … Continued